About us

Our Mission of the Webster City Church of Christ defines who we are, what we do, and where we are going...

  • Connect

    with God

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  • Serve with


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  • Love with


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Our Core Values

We are striving to make the following 4 words visible in our everyday lives and our community...

{Courageous} explains our desire to move beyond fear and frustration into a way of living that embraces challenges

{Transparent} indicates our desire for authentic relationships and genuine communication

{Trajectory} describes our desire for movement and growth in becoming more like Jesus

{Reconciliation} signifies our understanding that the work of the church is to bring harmony to the world

We believe that when these values are lived out in community, people move toward wholeness and the normal experience for everyone is spiritual growth.

Welcome to Webster City Church of Christ "A Place to Grow”

Where we are going

The future is a difficult thing to forecast, but if you know where you are and the direction you are moving then you can predict with some accuracy where you will be in the future.

We have a good grasp of where we are at. For the last couple of decades we have been lead by a group of accomplished business men with a keen eye for details. Thanks to their faithful service and commitment to excellent management we are debt free, financially stable and poised to serve the people of Hamilton County. (This is where we are)

We have a clear understanding of the direction we are heading. Our purpose is to help people connect with God, serve with compassion, and to love with courage. (This is the direction we are moving)

Our mission lived out provides a vision for what the future will bring. We will be a place where you can be yourself. We will be a place where people are transparent about their issues. We will be a place to discuss complex questions about life. We will be a place where people find friends and support. We will be a place where the teaching and music intersect real life. We will be a place where people experience God. (This is our Future)

Welcome to Webster City Church of Christ “A Place to Grow”

What we believe


We believe that God is the creator of heaven and earth and that He reveals himself to creation in three distinct ways Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

We believe that Christ’s purpose for entering into the world as a man was to reconcile (John 1:29) creation to its creator.

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is an active arm of God reaching out to humanity in order to accomplish God’s purpose in our present age.


We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God written to instruct people (2 Timothy 3:14-17) in how to live.


We believe the Church is a group of people actively accomplishing the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20).


We believe salvation is a process that involves profession of faith, confession of sin, repentance(turning away from strongholds) & transformation.