Next Steps/Discipleship Classes

We want people to take ownership of their own spiritual growth and development, that is why we provide the following list of spiritual milestones for your consideration.

In addition we offer classes to assist you in your quest to learn and grow.

Please contact the office or staff members for a schedule of when these classes are being offered.

connect / serve / love / give / commit / seek / question / celebrate / pray

worship / study / confess / repent / get baptized / live a transformed life

teach / fast / learn / heal / lead others / forgive / meditate / memorize

  • Alpha and Omega

    Alpha and Omega is a series of classes based on discussing one question each session. These questions help people explore the major themes surrounding Jesus, Faith in God, The Bible, Nature of Evil and several other concepts. The class is discussion based and is designed to create conversations that lead to growth.

  • Discover Your Potential

    Discover Your Potential is a class where people are guided through the process of self discovery and identifying natural abilities and spiritual gifting. The goal is to help each person better understand how they were made and where they fit into the world and the Church.

  • Developing The Leader Within You

    Developing the Leader Within You is a course that specifically addresses how we build relationships and develop influences in the lives of the people around us. While much of the book is easy to apply to everyday there is a hope and an intention that this class will help participants to guide others on the path toward spiritual growth.

  • Devotional Classics

    Devotional Classics is a course that examines writing from church leaders over the last 2000 years and then discusses their lives and influences on the modern church. This class is intended to facilitate discover of how different generations have labored to grow the Kingdom of God and to glean insight that might help us in the present to do the same thing.

  • Celebration of Discipline

    Celebration of Discipline is a close examination of spiritual practices that have helped Christians of all periods of history discover personal and spiritual growth. The topics that are covered are Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Study, Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service, Confession, Worship, Guidance and Celebration. This is a life changing journey of discovery that every person should experience.

  • Blue Ocean Churches

    Blue Ocean Churches is a book that calls Christians to do what Christ taught. That is engage the world with the message that the Kingdom of God is at hand.

  • Webster City Church of Christ

    Vision and Direction

    101 dinner with the Halbach's and other leaders with the church to discuss where we have come from and where we are going as a church.